Marvin Sylvester Wood (born in New York on October 8, 1836), a wounded Civil War Veteran who was officially listed as deceased during the war, was discharged as a corporal from the United States Army in January of 1864, and he came to the Southern Oregon area in 1868 along with his brother Dennis Wood. A homestead was established just north of Eagle Point, Oregon. Dennis Wood died in June of 1869 leaving Marvin to manage the existing homestead and a land patent was filed in May of 1870, at which time the existing house was constructed.
Marvin Wood married Susan Griffith in 1876, and they had three children: two daughters, Ora and Mayme, and one son, Walter Sylvester Wood. Marvin and Susan divorced in 1900. Susan later married John Hart in 1901, and Mr. Hart committed suicide in 1912. Marvin Sylvester Wood died in 1924, and Susan Griffith Wood Hart passed away in the Wood House in 1929. Walter Wood was born in the house in 1881, and he lived in the house his entire life until he passed away in September of 1974. Marvin Wood, Susan Wood-Hart, and Walter Wood are all buried in the old IOOF Cemetery in Central Point, Oregon.
Around 1898 the house was remodeled. A kitchen wing was added and also the second story of the housed was raised several feet higher. The famous “front gable” was also added at that time.
During its career, the Wood House has been in jeopardy several times. The first time was in 1946 when Highway 62 was widened. The house was in the way of the construction so the State of Oregon was going to demolish the structure. Walter Wood, son of Marvin Wood, fought to save the house, and he was instrumental in purchasing the Ashpole property (38 acres) across the street from the existing homestead and then the house was moved to its present location where it still stands today. The price for moving the house was $1,420. When moved, the house was turned around 180 degrees so that it would face Highway 62. In its old location the house faced Mt. McLoughlin.
Prior to 1946, the house never had electricity or internal plumbing. After the move three lights were installed in the house and a sink with running water was installed in the kitchen. An outhouse was still used.
After Walter Wood passed away in September of 1974, the house was boarded up and abandoned. An investor from California purchased the house and the 38 acres it sat on in 1983. The house continued to waste away and it was taken over by brush and blackberry bushes. Over the years vandals removed all of the doors and windows except for one living room door and the door leading to the staircase. The house was set on fire several times over by vandals and each time the house refused to burn. Due to its deteriorated condition and the backdrop of Mt. McLoughlin, the Wood House became the most photographed and art painted house in the Pacific Northwest, and it still claims that title today. There are photographs and paintings of the house all over the United States and in foreign countries, including Australia, Canada, England and Japan.
In the year 2000 the existing land owner donated the structure to the Eagle Point Historical Society, but he retained the 38 acres. A one-acre lease to the Society was established at $200 per month so that the house could be kept on site. Using donated money and volunteers, during the summer of 2001 a minimal restoration was done to the house. Keeping the atmosphere of the house in mind that photographers and artists enjoy, only the work needed to keep the house structurally safe was performed. The old porch of the house was torn down and using what original wood could be salvaged, a new porch was constructed. The roof was reshingled with old weathered cedar shakes that were removed and donated from the Don Grissom house in Lake Creek, Oregon. Vintage windows and doors were added to fill the vacant openings throughout the house. Nothing was done to the inside of the structure, and visitors can view the unchanged interior to see exactly how things were back in the 1870’s.
Several years later the Wood House was in danger once again. The existing property owner put the land up for a speculative sale, so the future of the house was uncertain. Fundraisers were established to try to raise enough money to purchase the land, but the landowner continued to increase the price making any purchase of the land by the Eagle Point Historical Society impossible.

Wood House Roses. The rose bush in the foreground is original to the house. It was just a twig and was almost dead when we arrived there to refurbish the house. Today it thrives, just like the house!
In May of 2006, Judson Parsons and Diana Gardener (a Salem couple) purchased the property (which did not include the Wood House structure itself) from the existing landowner and the Wood House was saved once again. A new lease was established with the Eagle Point Historical Society and instead of one-acre, two-acres were now leased at $1 per year.
In 2008 a conveyance was done by the Eagle Point Historical Society to the City of Eagle Point, and the City of Eagle Point received the Eagle Point Museum, all of the existing assets (except for the Wood House) and the artifacts contained in the museum. At the same time a second conveyance was performed by the Society to the newly formed Woodhouse Preservation Group (a non-profit organization) making the Woodhouse Preservation Group the proprietor of the Wood House Structure. After both conveyances were completed, the Eagle Point Historical Society was officially dissolved and it no longer exists. (As a side note, in 2017 another acre was included under lease to the Woodhouse Preservation Group lease agreement by Judson Parsons and Diana Gardener to be used for additional parking, making the total acreage as part of the lease agreement three acres…..still at $1 per year for all three acres.)
All work and the events at the house are performed on a volunteer basis and since there is no payroll the Wood House is operated on a very small annual budget, supported strictly by donations. Various annual events are held at the Wood House each spring, fall and winter to bring tourists and local visitors to the house. The events include a Farm Festival Show in May, a Harvest Festival Show in October, a Halloween Open House at the end of October, and an Old Fashioned Christmas Open House in December. Free tours of the Wood House are given during each event and at other times of the year by appointment

Civil War at the Wood House. Loretta Wood-Corbett (Walter Wood’s granddaughter) is in center of photo. (Gary Wilkinson photo)
Since the beginning in 1870, the Wood House has fought heavy rains, snow, the Columbus Day Storm, hail, fire, vandalism and county politics, and through all of this the house still remains to welcome you to come and visit. See how western primitive living really was in the late 1800’s!
Woodhouse Preservation Group
161 Rockingham Circle, Eagle Point, Oregon 97524
For additional information or to set up an appointment to tour the Wood House call:
(541) 826-2177