Cascade Civil War Society – Wood House Event October 2012 6th Annual Civil War Reenactment
Photos from around the web
This is a lovely photo of the old wood house with the full moon in the background.
Rogue Valley Photography Club Meet Up
Last Saturday a group of photographers from the Rogue Valley Photography Club came to the Wood House for several hours and took lots of photos. Click on the links below to view some of the photos of the Wood House. Some are way cool…
Halloween Fest at the Wood House
The Woodhouse Preservation Group again hosted their annual Halloween Fest on Saturday, October 27th and on Sunday, October 28th, 2012. Folks came to have fun and to see if Susan Wood, the friendly ghost at the Wood House, would make an unscheduled appearance. Candy was given away to all of the kids and everyone received free delicious cookies baked on the Wood House kitchen stove as well.